Rainy days, what to do in the skinniest house in London? why hopscotch of course, and yes I was getting a little desperate. All you need is one floor: comes standard with most properties, one roll of masking tape: doesn't everyone have a roll stashed somewhere? and a throwing object, something soft preferable. Place the tape on the floor like so and that is it, plus it kept the babies entertained for absolutely ages. 3 weeks it was down in fact, slightly lazy and a little bit manky on my part, it then took 2 further weeks for my little lady to notice it had gone, at which she cried. Seriously, 2 weeks.
Disclaimer: As I used masking tape, it was low tack and did not cause any damage to the floor. We have real wood flooring, I am not sure if it would be any different on other materials.
Note to self: Next time DO NOT pick the narrowest part of the kitchen for this, go crazy do it in another room.
Plan view:
Action shot:
Even more action:
Cost: Zero pennies, yippee.
Supplies: Masking tape, floor and SOFT throwing object. Witches outfit optional.
Time taken: 10 minutes and lasted 3 weeks.
Have you come up with any fun activities out of sheer desperation? Please send me your ideas, please, please, please do, winter is coming and the rainy days will be plenty.
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